• A close up of a red ant on a white background.


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  • A black ant is sitting on a green leaf

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  • A close up of a black and orange bug on a rock.

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Ant Control

Looking for Ant Control in Hudson, FL or surrounding areas?

Seabreeze Pest Control is the pest company to call when you have issues with ants in your home or business.  We have been providing reliable ant control services to Hudson, FL and surrounding communities since 1993! (Now that's a lot of ants!) Our staff is highly trained to deal with the identification and removal of ants. Our goal is to get your property free of ants in as little time as possible, with as little disruption as possible to you. Once we have the ant colony under control, we will come up with a plan to keep them away, tailored to your home or business.
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How are the ants getting in?

Ants are notorious for finding their way into places that they shouldn't be. They come from colonies outside in your yard, or a neighbors yard. Most of the time, we see that ants make their way into a structure through cracks in walls, doorways, or windows. They seek out food sources, as well as places in which they can make new nests.

During their invasion, ants are able to destroy your food, clothing, walls, and other property. Don't wait until it is too late- Call Seabreeze Pest Control to eliminate your ant problem. Better yet, call us to prevent them BEFORE they are a problem!

Top 3 ways to control ants on your property

When ants invade your home, you not only lose peace of mind, you also increase your potential for property damage, or sickness. Let Seabreeze Pest Control help your take back control, and get rid of those pesky ants for good!

  1. Property Spray- We can use spray around the exterior of your home or business to kill ants on contact. The spray will eliminate any ants that are in the spray path on contact, as well creating a barrier to help prevent ants from invading in the future. Each spray session gives protection to your building for a few months, and then needs to be repeated for best results.
  2. Yard Treatment- Yard treatment involves spreading a granulated ant solution onto your lawn. The granules are activated by water- so rain or your sprinklers will activate the repellent for you. This solution is intended to kill the ants at their source- the outside nests.
  3. Injections- Sometimes ants create colonies inside of your walls. In this instance, we will need to find the source of the colonies inside the walls, and inject a solution to kill off the colony inside the walls. This solution is geared towards eliminating the present ants, as well as creating a residual effect that will keep other ants out for months to come.

Please call us at (727) 841-9880 or visit our contact page for more information about what each service includes. We offer discounts and free estimates by experienced technicians to surrounding counties.

Looking for Pest Control in Hudson, FL?

Reliable Pest Control

If you are looking for an experienced, quality pest control company in Hudson, FL or surrounding areas, we can help!

Onsite Inspections

Our pest control team can come to your home or residence to inspect your property for pests before we come up with a plan!

Pesticide Safety

We want all of our Hudson, FL residents to feel safe in their yard. We use top quality pesticides, and tailor each application to your needs.

Need Rodent Control?

We offer rodent control services to help you get rid of everything from rats to mice! No one likes uninvited guests hanging around.

Pest Control Plan

Before we begin your pest control services, we work up a plan that fits your lifestyle, family, budget, and property.

Lawn Treatment

Just like our awesome pest control services, our lawn treatment services are geared towards your specific property.

Termite Control

If you need help diagnosing and treating termites in your Hudson, FL home or business, give us a call!

Our Specialties 

Contact Us

What does our Hudson, FL Pest Control get rid of?

  • Bed Bugs
  • Roaches
  • Sugar Ants
  • Fire Ants
  • Ghost Ants
  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Bees
  • Wasps
  • Termites
  • Spiders

Our Hudson, FL Pest Control and Lawn Treatment Services are perfect for:


Residential Properties

Apartment Complexes



Daycare Centers


Office Buildings

Commercial Complexes

Property Management



Retail Locations


We’ll care for your lawn like it was our own!

We offer free estimates and seasonal discounts because having a good lawn, shouldn't be out of your reach
Call us at (727) 841-9880 or contact us for your free quote.
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