• A rat is sitting in a glass bowl next to a plate

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Mouse Control

Looking for Mouse Control in Hudson, FL or surrounding areas?

Seabreeze Pest Control is the pest company to call when you have issues with mice in your home or business.  We have been providing reliable mouse control services to Hudson, FL and surrounding communities since 1993! (Now that's a lot of rodents!) Our staff is highly trained to deal with the identification and removal of rodents (mice, rats!). Our goal is to get your property free of mice in as little time as possible, with as little disruption as possible to you. Once we have the rodent colony under control, we will come up with a plan to keep them away, tailored to your home or business.
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How are the mice getting in?

Mice are notorious for finding their way into places that they shouldn't be! That includes your home and business! They come from nests outside in your yard, or a neighbors yard. Most of the time, we see that mice make their way into a structure through cracks in walls, doorways, or windows. Did you know that a mouse can fit through a gap as small as 1/4 inch?!

They seek out new food sources, as well as places in which they can make new nests that are out of the weather.

During their invasion, mice are able to destroy your food, clothing, walls, and other property. Don't wait until it is too late- Call Seabreeze Pest Control to eliminate your rodent problem. Better yet, call us to prevent them BEFORE they are a problem! The best solution, is often prevention!

Top 6 ways to know if you have a mouse problem in your home or office

Not sure if you have a mouse problem at your property? Take a look at the list below to see if any of these tell-tale mouse signs are around your home in Hudson, FL

  1. You find food crumbs- If you find food crumbs in odd places such as the middle of shelves, counters, or the floor, you may have mice leaving you little "bread crumbs".
  2. You find a nest- Mice are resourceful and will make their nests out of soft, available materials such as cloth, plush stuffing, shredded paper, pet hair, or other comfy materials.
  3. You hear odd noises- Mice often make soft, scratching or squeaking noises as they move about your property. Most of the noise can be heard at night.
  4. You notice strange behavior from your pets- Pets often know you have a mouse problem before you do! If your pets are acting odd by certain areas of the house you may want to investigate further.
  5. You find mouse droppings- Mouse poop looks like small, oval shaped pellets. The majority of mouse droppings will be found along the paths that they most frequently use. Check for mouse droppings under sinks, the backs of cabinets, or around the corners of rooms.
  6. You find small chew marks or scratches- Mice use their teeth and claws to chew and scratch through packaging to get access to your food, they can also make marks on your baseboards and cabinet corners.

When mice invade your home or business, you not only lose peace of mind, you also increase your potential for property damage, or sickness. Let Seabreeze Pest Control help your take back control, and get rid of those pesky rodents for good! Please call us at (727) 841-9880 or visit our contact page for more information about what each service includes. We offer discounts and free estimates by experienced technicians to surrounding counties.

Looking for Pest Control in Hudson, FL?

Reliable Pest Control

If you are looking for an experienced, quality pest control company in Hudson, FL or surrounding areas, we can help!

Onsite Inspections

Our pest control team can come to your home or residence to inspect your property for pests before we come up with a plan!

Pesticide Safety

We want all of our Hudson, FL residents to feel safe in their yard. We use top quality pesticides, and tailor each application to your needs.

Need Rodent Control?

We offer rodent control services to help you get rid of everything from rats to mice! No one likes uninvited guests hanging around.

Pest Control Plan

Before we begin your pest control services, we work up a plan that fits your lifestyle, family, budget, and property.

Lawn Treatment

Just like our awesome pest control services, our lawn treatment services are geared towards your specific property.

Termite Control

If you need help diagnosing and treating termites in your Hudson, FL home or business, give us a call!

Our Specialties 

Contact Us

What does our Hudson, FL Pest Control get rid of?

  • Bed Bugs
  • Roaches
  • Sugar Ants
  • Fire Ants
  • Ghost Ants
  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Bees
  • Wasps
  • Termites
  • Spiders

Our Hudson, FL Pest Control and Lawn Treatment Services are perfect for:


Residential Properties

Apartment Complexes



Daycare Centers


Office Buildings

Commercial Complexes

Property Management



Retail Locations


We’ll care for your property like it was our own!

We offer free estimates and seasonal discounts because having a mouse free home, shouldn't be out of your reach
Call us at (727) 841-9880 or contact us for your free quote.
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