Picture it- your once lush, thick grass, is now brown and patchy looking. The green grass that you loved is no longer thriving, and you just don't know what to do. That is where we come in! Seabreeze Pest Control is your #1 fertilization company in Hudson, FL and surrounding areas. When you call us, we can tailor a fertilizer and lawn maintenance program that will get your yard in top shape, and keep your grass beautiful. We use professional fertilizer products, and rely on our expert technicians to spread them effectively around your property. Call today to see how we can solve your lawn problems!
Choosing Seabreeze Pest Control to fertilize your yard is a great step in getting the lush green lawn of your dreams. After we have come out to service your yard, it is important to follow a few guidelines:
When weeds invade your yard, it can be difficult to get them under control again. Here are a few tips to help you keep the weeds at bay.
Please call us at
(727) 841-9880
or visit our
contact page
for more information about what each service includes. We offer discounts and free estimates by experienced technicians to surrounding counties.
Reliable Pest Control
If you are looking for an experienced, quality pest control company in Hudson, FL or surrounding areas, we can help!
Onsite Inspections
Our pest control team can come to your home or residence to inspect your property for pests before we come up with a plan!
Pesticide Safety
We want all of our Hudson, FL residents to feel safe in their yard. We use top quality pesticides, and tailor each application to your needs.
Need Rodent Control?
We offer rodent control services to help you get rid of everything from rats to mice! No one likes uninvited guests hanging around.
Pest Control Plan
Before we begin your pest control services, we work up a plan that fits your lifestyle, family, budget, and property.
Lawn Treatment
Just like our awesome pest control services, our lawn treatment services are geared towards your specific property.
Termite Control
If you need help diagnosing and treating termites in your Hudson, FL home or business, give us a call!
Seabreeze Pest Control takes care of Fertilizer, Grub & Chinch Bug control, and Weed Control
We specialize in Pest Control services. We exterminate fleas, ticks, spiders, roaches, bed bugs, rodents and more
We specialize in Termite treatments and prevention. We inspect, educate, and treat the termite problem
We offer Indoor & Outdoor Treatments for Pest Control and Prevention, plus WDO Inspections
We help with Fire Ant Treatment, using Indoor and Outdoor Ant Prevention Services
Your yard will never look better with our Lawn Treatment, Aeration, and
Fertilizer services
We provide Indoor Treatments for spiders, roaches, ants, silverfish, and any other creepy crawly that you don't want in your home
What does our Hudson, FL Weed Control get rid of?
Our Hudson, FL Pest Control and Lawn Treatment Services are perfect for:
All Rights Reserved | Seabreeze Pest Control
18931 Titus Road Hudson FL,34667 (727) 841-9880
All Rights Reserved | Seabreeze Pest Control
18931 Titus Road Hudson FL,34667 (727) 841-9880
All Rights Reserved | Seabreeze Pest Control
18931 Titus Road Hudson FL, 34667, (727) 841-9880