Call or text (727) 841-9880 to schedule your pest control or lawn treatment service today.

Serving all of Trinity, FL

Phone: (727) 841-9880

Mon- Fri: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

Seabreeze Pest Control is a locally owned and operated pest control and lawn treatment company serving Trinity, FL, and the surrounding areas. When you hire Seabreeze Pest Control, you are hiring a company who will always give you honest estimates and professional service. We also have great termite treatment options. We understand the annoying side effects of having an untreated lawn. That's why you need a pest control and lawn treatment company you can trust. Let us handle your lawn for you! We know exactly what types of chemicals and deterrents to use on particular jobs so as not to ever cause damage to your home, plants or lawn. We are available for jobs large or small, including businesses or residential areas.

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  • Lawn treatments for pests
  • Ant control
  • Indoor and outdoor pest treatment
  • Core Aeration
  • Fertilizer services
  • Termite Baits
  • Termite Inspections
  • Termite Education
  • In home rodent control
  • Outside rodent control
  • Rats, mice
A blue and green seabreeze pest control truck is parked on the side of the road

We service Trinity, FL

We provide pest control services, lawn treatment services, and termite control services in Trinity, FL. All of our customers are special to us, but it's pretty awesome to find your name on a street sign. We'd love to tell you that they named a street after us, but it's just a happy coincidence.

For all of your lawn care needs, from fertilizing, pest control, rodent control, aeration, or termite control, call Seabreeze Pest Control to take care of the job right!

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Let us take care of your pests!

Call us at (727) 841-9880 or contact us for your free quote.
Pest control in Trinity, FL and beyond.
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Lawn treatments and fertilizer: Trinity, FL

Take a look at these before and after pictures from one of our great lawn treatment clients in Trinity, FL. We took their lawn from brown, crunchy, and dying, to beautiful and green! If you have a home or business in the Trinity, FL area, we would be happy to provide you with a free estimate for lawn maintenance services.

A large house with a lush green lawn in front of it
A large house with a lush green lawn in front of it.
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